This week’s learning 7th- 11th February

Year 3 – This week we have been learning about the different food groups and creating our own sandwiches, which contain items from the different food groups. In English this week, we have been planning our letter to Mr Twit and we will begin writing our letters next week. In Maths, we have been looking at dividing by 2, 10 and 5 by sharing and grouping using different resources. Please keep practising your times tables and take part in the class battles as this makes a huge difference!

Year 4 – This week in English we have been learning about the features of non-chronological reports and researching animals for our own non-chronological report. In maths we have been learning how to multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. In DT we have been busy creating our lanterns. Next week in maths we will be consolidating our learning of times tables and strategies to solve multiplication problems. In English we will be planning and writing our own non-chronological reports. In DT we will be completing our lanterns and writing evaluations of our learning.

Year 5 – This week in English, we have been writing our mystery stories. In Maths, we have been looking at short division with and without remainders. In Art, we have been analysing the work of Vanessa Barragoa and Carole Coleman and recreating their work whilst working with a range of textiles. Next week in Maths, we will be looking at inverse operations and how these help us check our answers. In English, we will continue to write our stories, editing and publishing them. In R.E, we will be exploring the concept of Wisdom.

Year 6 – In English this week, we have been planning an alternative chapter for ‘Holes’ based on something that could be found in one of the holes. Next week, we will be writing our new chapters. In maths, we have been learning how to compare fractions by converting them to a common denominator. Next week, we will be learning to add and subtract fractions. In art, we have used the computing software, Revelation Natural Art to create a composition using geometric shapes, based on the work by Sonia Delaunay. Thank you for all the Home Learning Projects that we have received so far – we are looking forward to seeing the others on, or by, Monday 14th February.